Tuesday 1 March 2011

Dancing Styles - Mr Bouncy

We all have our own style when we dance. Just watch yourself dancing to differing styles of music on a video to see what I mean. And give yourself a laugh. I tend to look very serious, which probably comes from my fear of falling flat on my face. (Been there, Done that, Got the T-Shirt). And I have been brave enough to ask people how I dance.

At a recent event I took great joy in watching a Mr Bouncy. I think you know what I mean by that style. Strangely, its not very well known genre amongst the lady dancers. Mr Bouncy always has a really good time despite the often stressed look on his partners. I asked a couple of the ladies what "Mr Bouncy" was like to dance with. Mostly just "Difficult", but a couple of comments even I would not post.

I have noticed as well that Mr Bouncy nearly always has a favorite Tune. The one he ALWAYS requests. And he always wants to know when its on. (I assume to stalk a suitable victim). The playing of this tune sends him into a frenzy of dance bouncing (its inevitably a quick tune. No blues dancers here). I then struggle with the dilemma of watching, or not watching, depending on how embarrassed I am getting for him and his partner. But "Mr Bouncy" does not care. Twirling and bouncing his partner into a frenzy of moves. But he always has a smile and always enjoys himself.

Ladies. You have my sympathy, but remember. Your doing the nation (and your fellow dancers) a service by keeping Mr Bouncy off the streets, because he probably drives his car with the same enthusiasm. Ladies, do you wonder what he is like at other things. Wink. Wink.

If your into music check out my website and music blog at http://dj-chrisu.vpweb.co.uk/. See ya at an event soon.

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