Friday 15 May 2015

Reviving the Hive

I am going to revive the "Modern Jive Hive" and start posting again about my thoughts and experiences as a DJ and dancer in this (sometimes) rather strange world. That's all.

Wednesday 4 February 2015

The Revival.

The Modern Jive Hive is going to get a revival. Yep, more stuff and ranting from me with some occasional music stuff. Will have to get my camera out and sort some pictures.

The Jive scene is pretty buoyant at the moment with lots of events wanting your business and lots and lots of new dancers.
So lets see if I can put my perspective on it.

Also I now have a Blog for the UK Blues and Smooth Championships so check that out as well.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Dancing Styles - Mr Bouncy

We all have our own style when we dance. Just watch yourself dancing to differing styles of music on a video to see what I mean. And give yourself a laugh. I tend to look very serious, which probably comes from my fear of falling flat on my face. (Been there, Done that, Got the T-Shirt). And I have been brave enough to ask people how I dance.

At a recent event I took great joy in watching a Mr Bouncy. I think you know what I mean by that style. Strangely, its not very well known genre amongst the lady dancers. Mr Bouncy always has a really good time despite the often stressed look on his partners. I asked a couple of the ladies what "Mr Bouncy" was like to dance with. Mostly just "Difficult", but a couple of comments even I would not post.

I have noticed as well that Mr Bouncy nearly always has a favorite Tune. The one he ALWAYS requests. And he always wants to know when its on. (I assume to stalk a suitable victim). The playing of this tune sends him into a frenzy of dance bouncing (its inevitably a quick tune. No blues dancers here). I then struggle with the dilemma of watching, or not watching, depending on how embarrassed I am getting for him and his partner. But "Mr Bouncy" does not care. Twirling and bouncing his partner into a frenzy of moves. But he always has a smile and always enjoys himself.

Ladies. You have my sympathy, but remember. Your doing the nation (and your fellow dancers) a service by keeping Mr Bouncy off the streets, because he probably drives his car with the same enthusiasm. Ladies, do you wonder what he is like at other things. Wink. Wink.

If your into music check out my website and music blog at See ya at an event soon.

Monday 14 February 2011

Southport Blush Thoughts

Well I have to say that the February Ceroc Southport (Blush) was great. Not the busiest event, but still great fun. Less people however can make for easier dancing, particularly in the main room. For those of you who do not go because of the potential for cold weather, well you missed a good one.

We all know that weekenders are a great place to meet up with people that you have not seen for a while and this event was no exception. And the opportunity for new acquaintance's, along with putting faces to names on Facebook etc.

I took a bit more time at this event to listen to the music in the pub. Some of it was a real disappointment with some DJs seemingly trying to out do each other for obscurity. When I sit in a room where I hear 5 or 6 tracks in a row I have never heard of I know its obscure. It was noticeable that the newer dancers spent more time sitting it out, But the playing of something more known often perked the room up. I am all in favour of new, but not always new. Well done the DJ that played "Black velvet".

This time I had the pleasure of doing Swingers Hour (and half) on the Saturday and as always the audience got into the spirit. Particularly the ladies with there fab spinny 50s dresses and lots of Bobby Sox. Its a great time for me, as I get to play something very different from the normal class and Freestyle nights.

Booking is open for May so perhaps I will see you there. Don't forget to come up and say hello.

See ya at a class or Freestyle soon.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Surviving Christmas

Well it's all over now. Having survived the round of Modern Jive parties in the lead up to new year it will be back to the weekly round of classes. I did however have some great times at the events I Djed. You only have to look at some of the pictures posted on facebook.

My attempt at the Agatha party at the Ritz in Brighouse to look like Lord Peter Wimsey didn't go to bad, apart from the inability to find a suitable monocle. The serious look wasn't exactly brilliant either. I was enjoying myself honest.

Monday 20 December 2010

Christmas Eve at The Ritz

Really looking forward to Christmas Eve at the Ritz in Brighouse. As a DJ its a night that will give me a chance to play a very varied music mix. With northern Soul Fans, Modern Jivers, Tango, Ballroom and West Coast Dancers (Amongst Others) to cater for its going to be an epic night of music.

I have been sorting some tunes today and even have some ballroom stuff that will keep people happy. Just hope that the weather here in Yorkshire stays reasonably kind to us.

See ya all there

Chris Uren

Wednesday 4 March 2009

Tales From The DJ Booth, Its Too Loud

I havn't been DJing Modern Jive events for that long. Well in comparison to my whole 32 year DJ career that is. But long enough to tell some stories, see some sights and meet lots of people. And MJ attracts lots of people and a fair number of characters (and nutters. real "you don't want to sit next to on the bus" nutters). But mostly nice people. BUT.

At last nights Ceroc at Shelf I had a classic DJ person to person. One of those moments when the DJ traditional thick skin has to kick in. And take it from me if you want to DJ for a long time and be successfull then toughen yourself up.

I watched as she marched across the room and selected her victim. Dragged him onto the floor and proceeded to the front of the room by the speakers and danced. Now in Modern Jive the man leads. Clearly this was not the case with this lady. I could see her looking at me occasionally while dancing and my "Threat Detection" system kicked in. Was I the next victim!!!!!. Yes I can dance!!!

The song (actually "Now I Can Dance by Tina Area" a modern jive classic) faded and she abandoned her partner mid floor and headed my way. I decided to look busy by putting my headphones on. She just stood there waiting. I gave in. "Hi" I said. "Its too bloody loud" she barked at me. Deep breath. "You might like to dance further back in the room away from the speakers" I suggested. 10 seconds of silence. "im going to complain at the desk". I waved goodbye to her back as a gesture of deffiance

Clearly my lowly status as DJ is not worth an argument. Some you win, some you lose, some you don't even get a chance to fight. I wonder if she is still allowed to travel on busses.