Wednesday 4 March 2009

Tales From The DJ Booth, Its Too Loud

I havn't been DJing Modern Jive events for that long. Well in comparison to my whole 32 year DJ career that is. But long enough to tell some stories, see some sights and meet lots of people. And MJ attracts lots of people and a fair number of characters (and nutters. real "you don't want to sit next to on the bus" nutters). But mostly nice people. BUT.

At last nights Ceroc at Shelf I had a classic DJ person to person. One of those moments when the DJ traditional thick skin has to kick in. And take it from me if you want to DJ for a long time and be successfull then toughen yourself up.

I watched as she marched across the room and selected her victim. Dragged him onto the floor and proceeded to the front of the room by the speakers and danced. Now in Modern Jive the man leads. Clearly this was not the case with this lady. I could see her looking at me occasionally while dancing and my "Threat Detection" system kicked in. Was I the next victim!!!!!. Yes I can dance!!!

The song (actually "Now I Can Dance by Tina Area" a modern jive classic) faded and she abandoned her partner mid floor and headed my way. I decided to look busy by putting my headphones on. She just stood there waiting. I gave in. "Hi" I said. "Its too bloody loud" she barked at me. Deep breath. "You might like to dance further back in the room away from the speakers" I suggested. 10 seconds of silence. "im going to complain at the desk". I waved goodbye to her back as a gesture of deffiance

Clearly my lowly status as DJ is not worth an argument. Some you win, some you lose, some you don't even get a chance to fight. I wonder if she is still allowed to travel on busses.